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What a Year for a New Year

Thursday, January 7, 2010
I am not one to set New Year's resolutions, normally (mostly because I know I won't keep them...and then I'll just be disappointed in myself). But this year feels different some how. I just feel motivated. Not entirely sure why or what towards, but the feeling is there and has inspired me to set some New Year's goals. I think goals is a better term to describe them---I feel like resolutions are for things you are obligated to start and continue throughout the entire year. The things on my list are more like things I want to accomplish during 2010. More goal-esque.

Nothing earth shattering. So far, I have already finished one book (Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell) and cooked 2 new meals (chicken and spinach risotto and ebelskivers). I'll share the new recipes on here soon. There will also be blog changes coming up, but no rush on those.

What are your goals this year? I'd love to hear--there is always room to add a few more good ideas!!

*This is from the book Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck. It is a guide for healthy eating for fertility, while pregnant, or while nursing. I also recommend Real Food, also by Nina Planck. Good info for everyone, not just mamas. (note: I feel I should point out that the books aren't really geared towards a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle...she is pretty pro-meat. Since I know several readers are vegetarian, just wanted to give you a heads up in case you bought the book and it wasn't quite what you were looking for).


  1. Me...
    #1 I'm thinking I will join a Zumba class! Can't you just picture that:] But seriously, it sounds like good exercise, so why not.
    #2 Read or work crossword puzzles instead of so much TV and computer.
    #3 Get my cholestrol down...and yes, that means medication :[
    #4 Put at least one thing into a box for the Goodwill everyday...I have too much stuff!
    Wish me luck.

  2. What about joining out cooking group on Meet-up. I think you would have lots of fun.

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  5. Those are great goals for the year!


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