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Movie Monday?

Monday, June 1, 2009
Eh, who knows if it will stick, but here goes my best attempt at a Movie Monday theme.  We got this video of Lincoln yesterday--he is dangerously close to crawling.  Although he doesn't do so in the clip, he has been up on his hands and knees more than a few times in the past few days.  Our original guess was he'd be a crawling pro in the next 2 weeks.  Tonight, Lucas has moved his guess to within 1 week.  Eek!  Baby proofing commences this weekend!

Be sure to stick it out to the end of the video.  Lincoln will demonstrate his newfound computer skillz.  When his face lights up (literally), he has deactivated the screen saver (this would make more sense if I told you that the movie was filmed on our MacBook and he was moving himself toward it...).



  1. love the theme idea--and i'm sure your parents will love seeing him "live", too!


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