Monday, April 2, 2012

Update: March Goals

Didn't do the greatest this month...I'll just carry over for April ;)

March Goals

Make homemade soft pretzels (didn't get to this)

Make homemade falafels (done! delicious! make these!)

Blarney Stones!! (done! did any of you try them this year? if not, you guys are really missing out!!)

Read Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider (done! really great book. i finished it really motivated to organize our home and have been making steady progress. highly recommend it!)

Re-read The Hunger Games (have to prepare for the movie, of course!) (didn't get to this, but we DID see the movie!)

Not-Paper Towels (really, just prep some prefold diapers to use for cleaning...) (done! we actually did this one without even trying. we ran out of paper towels over a week ago and just haven't bought any more. instead of prepping prefolds, i found some microfiber cloths and old dish towels that we have been using. i do need to work out a laundry routine for these...)

Key hooks for the front room (going on the April list...)

Open 2 new saving accounts (April, again)

Read How to Save for Retirement Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery by Gail Marksjarvis (I am about halfway through this amazing book. Please, read it. Especially if you are in high school, or college, or your early 20s. For real. Wish I had.)

Sort through toys (done! pretty painless, except for the few broken toys lincoln found in the trash...which he pulled out, exclaiming "How'd these get in here? That was an accident...")

Price items for garage sale (we did this, then decided not to have the garage sale. now i am un-pricing items to donate.)

Hang pictures in front room (done!)
(imagine gray walls, though! freshly painted since i took this picture!)

Paint front room, kitchen, and Lincoln's room (sounds ambitious, but my parents are coming to visit and bringing their painting clothes!) (done, done, and done!)

Trying again on the whole "drinking more water" thing... (nope. one more try in April.)

1 comment:

  1. way to go! I wanted to drink more water at work. The solution? A straw. I drink waaaaaay more with one. I want to try the nopapertowel deal...


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