Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day 2012

We went all out for St. Patrick's Day this year. I've always loved St. Patrick's Day. My grandma used to wear a clip of fake green hair on St. Patrick's Day...I need to get one of those for next year!

We started the day with a full Irish breakfast. When we went to Ireland, we ate this breakfast (or a similar variation) every day at the Bread and Breakfasts where we stayed. So delicious.

Our version contained: tea for me, coffee for Lucas, milk for Lincoln, bacon, sausage, eggs, Irish brown bread with Kerrygold butter, and grilled tomato.

Check out that awesome center piece...that pot used to have a basil plant. When the plant died, I just left the pot out on the deck. Apparently, some clovers seeded there. BAM. St. Patrick's Day centerpiece, done.
Bennett is decked out in his green in this picture, but I assure you, Lincoln did change after breakfast. Lucas does not own any green shirts. For shame.
Since we had such a gargantuan breakfast, we went with a light lunch. My intent was for these green smoothies to actually be green for St. Patrick's Day...but the blueberries took over and ruined everything. Seriously, I put at least 2 cups of spinach in these, and not even a green hint remained. Oh, well.
After lunch, we set out on our first geocaching adventure. It is perfect for St. Patrick's Day--we were searching for "treasure," just like the gold at the end of the rainbow. Or something like that. Anyway, it was awesome! We found all three caches that we set out to find. Lincoln loved "finding boxes" and already asked to go back and do it again.
We ended the day with blarney stones, of course:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! 
(raise an invisible glass...Slainte!)

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