Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Goal Update

February Goals

(Yes, I am aware I never published these at the start of the month. Let's pretend I actually remembered to do that and say this is an update instead of the first time you are seeing these...)

Make homemade hamburger buns (yum, and easy!)

Make Lemon Buddies (from Pinterest) (I was very sad that i didn't like these. I love lemon anything...except these. Waaaaaay too sweet. I think it was the white chocolate chips; not a big white chocolate fan anyway, and it kind of ruined these.)

Read The Money Saving Mom's Budget: Slash Your Spending, Pay Down Your Debt, and Save Thousands a Year by Crystal Paine (Done! Highly recommend this book. Not only is it a great read with lots of amazing suggestions, but she is donating all the proceeds from the book to fund the Child Survival Program in the Dominican Republic, which offers health care to expectant mothers and children. More details here!)

Read How to Declutter Your Home and Your Life by Martha Sinclair (Done. Well, done as far as I plan to ever be. This book was not good and I actually had to stop reading it halfway through because I couldn't justify wasting any more time on it. The writing style was just not what I expected for a published book; it was more like what you would see if you asked someone for a list of ideas for ways to store things in your house. (ex.: get some bins from the dollar store!) This was a "freebie of the day" on Kindle, so at least I didn't waste money on it.)

Freezer paper stencil shirts for President's Day (Done!)

Review current budget and adjust bill due dates to accommodate Lucas' new pay cycle. (Done! Well, mostly. We may need to make a few more adjustments. He gets paid at the end of the month now instead of twice a month, so it is kind of throwing off our bill due dates...)

Go through house and throw out junk (Done! It was amazing how much paper we had accumulated that was just sitting around...junk mail, grocery lists, to-do lists, etc.)

Go through front room and sort stuff into keep/sell/give away boxes (Done!)

List leftover cloth diapers online to sell and clear out of garage (In progress. I've sold about 12 so far...)

Drink more water (Once again, failure on the health goal).


  1. way to go on your goals!! if you want to save some cloth diapers for us, we'll buy them! Lemme know a good supply amount and we'll take them off your hands ;) So can't wait to have a little one!!


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