Saturday, January 14, 2012

2012 Olympic Marathon Trials

We had the privilege today of attending the 2012 Olympic Marathon Trials in downtown Houston. I have never attended any type of Olympic event before, so I was thrilled when I found out the marathon trials were here this year. I was so glad to be able to take Lincoln so he could see first hand these amazing athletes who will be representing our country in the Olympic games this summer. The talent and dedication to the sport was so amazing with the field of runners today.

The weather was absolutely perfect, too. 42 degrees F at the start, warming up to mid 50s. Gorgeous. The course was modeled after the course they will run in London, meaning it was a loop. The runners passed by us a total of 4 times, which was so cool. In between passes, the organizers had set up a mini Olympic Village at Discovery Green. Lincoln was issued an athlete's badge (all free!) and participated in different events. He got a stamp after completing each event and then received an Olympic towel at the end. He loooooved it. Especially the table tennis. We could've easily spent hours there.

If you get the chance, please attend an Olympic trial event--or the Olympics. To see that caliber of athlete and know they will be representing the USA is simply amazing. What a great day!

Pictures, and lots of them:

1: Men's field, 2: Lead women's pack-Desiree Davila in front, 3: Women's field, 4: Lead women's pack

 Left: Balance beam balancing Right: high bar hanging--all by himself!
 Soooooo strong!

 The cuteness of this baby is more than I can handle.
 Left: it's a little big now, but he'll grow into it...Right: table tennis!
My superstar athlete!
 The finish! Meb Keflezighi was first (left), Ryan Hall second (right). Abdi Abdirahman was third, but our picture didn't turn out.
The women heading towards the finish: Shalane Flanagan (first), Desiree Davila (second), Kara Goucher (third).

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful...looks like a great time. I attended the Olympic Swim Trials in Omaha and yes,it is amazing. And I will always remember attending the 1976 Summer Olympics in Canada. Glad you had this opportunity and hey, the swim trials are in Omaha again if you want to come :]


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