Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Radvent Day 5: Drawing

I am behind a day on the Radvent posts. Hopefully I can play catch-up tomorrow, but for now, here is yesterdays prompt:

I always keep a small, unlined journal by my bed. I use it to jot ideas down, make lists (mostly make lists), or write down things that happen during the day that I want to remember (e.g., funny things Lincoln says). I am a big list maker--love to see those items crossed off as they get done/bought/packed, etc. In college, I used my day planner in the same way. All my assignments, or meetings, or activities got put in the planner, and crossed off as I completed them. Success! I finished something!

Here is a brief glance into the world of my "journal." Since I've already mentioned I have the artistic ability of a preschooler, I will not be apologizing for the quality of my drawings :)

 This was my original plan for our backyard garden. We went as far as digging out the grass and defining the shape using that black garden edging. We never did plant any flowers because that magnolia tree drops leaves like a layer of carpet everywhere I have drawn a flower in the above picture. Year round. Our backup plan was to simply mulch the whole thing and put planters on top of the mulch. It has taken us one year to get half of it mulched. Yay for procrastination?

 This is a sketch of our bedroom when we were trying to figure out how to get Bennett moved in with us. It pretty much turned out exactly as this sketch shows, except the crib is not really as enormous as my drawing might have you believe.

 These are my current notes for Lincoln's upcoming birthday. It is an art themed birthday bash, and these are my ideas combined with stuff I've found on Pinterest. There are 6 pages of notes for the birthday (food lists, guests coming, art ideas, etc...). I'll probably use about half of it :)

This was a do-to list I had going before Christmas last year. We went to Omaha, so a lot of it was done in preparation for our trip. Check marks mean done, line through the item means I didn't do it. My method for marking things off changes by the page...

1 comment:

  1. A good written down list is nice sometimes. I have to admit I do mine on my iphone now, it is always right beside me. :)


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