Friday, August 19, 2011

Four Months of Bennett

How four months have already past is beyond me.  Bennett seems to be growing overnight. 
  • Lincoln and Bennett are best friends already.  Bennett lights up when Lincoln is around--he smiles and scoots towards him.  Lincoln has taken to patting him on the head, and especially likes for Bennett to read books with him in his room before nap.  

  •  Bennett has really been making eye contact and following people's voices recently.  

  •  He's also been on the in he will cross the living room through a combo of scooting/crawling.  The past few days he's been on his hands and knees rocking back and forth.  Am I going to have a crawling 5 month old?!?

  •  Lucas went to Portland for a conference this month.  He was gone 5 days.  When he got back, Lucas said Bennett had noticeably changed. THAT'S how fast this kid is growing.

  •  Bennett has also become quite vocal--screaming, squealing, babbling, blowing bubbles.  It's awesome.
  • Sleep...sigh.  We were doing soooo good on the sleep thing--down for 5 hour stretch, up to eat, down for 2-3 more hours, up to eat, down for another 2-3, up for the day.  And makes me sad just to think about it.  We no longer have the 5 hour stretch at the beginning.  It varies from 20 minutes (!!!)  to 2-3 hours, mostly leaning towards a 1-2 hour time frame before he wakes up for the first time.  Then he wakes again an hour or two later again.  Then he is restless the rest of the night.  Naps are pretty restless, too.  We've gone from getting a good 2-3 hour nap, plus a handful of shorter 30 minute-an hour naps to a bunch of short 30 minute naps. If we're lucky, we'll sometimes get an hour and a half.  Sometimes he'll only nap 2-3 hours total the entire day.  GET SOME SLEEP, BENNETT!!!!

  •  This is one of Lincoln's favorite new poses for the camera.  

  •  That's Baby McGrabsalot reaching for Lincoln's hair.  He'll grab onto anything within reach--hair, toys, pillows, burpcloths, hamburgers (Lucas' lunch was nearly a causality the other day), his own shirt...and all of it is aimed at his mouth.  We think he is teething--he will gnaw your finger until is actually gets painful!

  • Bennett has also become a huge fan of his jumper--Lincoln, too, actually.  They both spend a lot of time in there :)

Happy 4 Months, Bennett!!

Oh, and 2 bonus videos:


  1. Awww, he is so cute! Getting so big!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I love these guys! Grandma


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