Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Budding Photographer

Recently, I've been trying to show Lincoln some techniques for taking pictures that don't involve placing the lens directly on his eyeball (a favorite of his!). We practice pushing the "big button" on top (he used to just push power over and over again...), holding the camera with arms out, and asking the subject to smile! The whole "smile" thing is really for my is HILARIOUS to watch him run around saying "stile wedy! stile towch! stile ball! stile bwocks!" (translation: wembley, couch, and blocks). :)

Photo #1: "self portrait of the artist as a (very) young man"
Photo #2: "Mama" (he was attempting to take a picture of me...)
Photo #3: "Bugs and Shoe"
Photo #4: SMILE WEDY!!!!
Photo #5: "Fog"

Photos #6-9: the following are a series entitled "James--a Study"

Photo #10: "Thank you for admiring my work"


  1. He actually does better than me and my camera. I don't think I have taken a clear photo in a very long time. Something is always blurry in my photos.

  2. Love this! I have so many pics of Lida's feet, knees and chubby thighs- I hate to get rid of them. Max's point of view pic folder is quite impressive, though.


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