Wednesday, November 3, 2010


In the weeks leading up to Halloween, I became increasingly more nervous that Lincoln was going to refuse to wear his costume and instead of a super awesome astronaut, we were going to have a super awesome kid in shorts and a t-shirt. We did several dry runs the week of Halloween--including one at Zoo Boo, where he even got to practice trick or treating! I'd say in that entire week (Zoo Boo included), the costume was probably on his person a total of 6 minutes. He was not a fan.

The night before Halloween we went to a party at our neighbor's house, and imagine our surprise when he wore the costume almost the whole hour and a half we were there! Sure, we distracted him with hotdogs and cookies and candy (hey, it was a holiday....don't judge!), but still--we thought he'd be begging to get the costume off just like every other time. This boded well for Halloween itself!

Halloween was fantastic!! He wore the costume, no problem. Took him 2 houses to figure out that going to the door meant candy would be given to him. He couldn't get enough :) He is pretty addicted to dum dum suckers and kit kats (don't worry, he only gets two a day--one after lunch, one after dinner). The rationing does make him sad, but since mama and daddy are generously helping him eat through the bucket, the candy will be gone soon and hopefully he will forget about it till next year :)

On to the pictures!
(these are out of order, but I'm being too lazy to fix it right now. There is candy to eat, and I'm not one to let it go to waste...)

He loved that glo-bracelet.
Showing off his mad haul of candy.
Picking out the first treat!
Getting the hang of it!
Commander Lincoln in his shuttle, with helmet bucket.
Hello, I am the cutest thing ever. If you look at me too long, you will melt into a giant puddle. It's true.
Daddy and Lincoln with the finished pumpkin!
Helping to carve the pumpkin with mama.
What's in that thing??


  1. glad it worked out!! you never can tell with the little ones!!

  2. You are right-he is just the cutest astronaut that I have ever seen and I do melt into a puddle when I look at him.

  3. I was having the same worries with Ava. I am glad it worked out for the both of us! Love the pics.

  4. I hope you don’t mind me emailing you. I am the marketing administrator for Spangler Candy Company-maker of Dum Dum Pops. Whenever our products are mentioned online, I receive an automated email telling me. I saw your adorable trick-or-treater and wanted to let you know about the online contest we are having right now. Its called A Day in the Life of Dum Dums and we are looking for pictures of our biggest Dum Dum fans. Contestants can submit pictures of anything involving Dum Dums. The Winner receives $2,500 and there are lots of other opportunities to receive prizes.
    Again, I hope you don’t mind me emailing you, I just wanted to let you know.
    The website to enter is
    Stacy Shoup
    Spangler Candy Company
    Marketing Administrator

  5. So cute!

    And I'm so jealous you get to wear comfy skirts and flipflops for Halloween!!! No fair!

  6. Lincoln made a fabulous astronaut and I loved his shuttle. That was too cute.


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