Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some Thoughts

  • I remember the days of being able to vacuum and clean the floors (in the whole house!) in about an hour. Today, I made it about halfway down the hall and through about half the rug in the living room in an hour. A toddler that insists on "helping" by turning the vacuum on and off every few inches tends to slow things down...
  • In addition, I tried to clean the kitchen floor today. (angry side note: WHO PUTS WHITE TILE FLOORS AND COUNTERTOPS IN A KITCHEN?? How in the world am I supposed to keep those clean? It is near impossible, friends). I made it about 3 feet. Would you like to know why? It is actually pretty cute (although, maddening that it has turned into a 2 day project...). I had my cleaning rag and floor cleaner (oh yes, this was a hands and knees scrubbing--did I mention the floors are white?!?). Lincoln wanted to help, so I gave him a spray bottle filled with water. I scrubbed a tile, then moved onto the next. Lincoln followed and sprayed my previously cleaned tile with his water bottle. When I finished the next tile, I had to go back and dry the tile he had sprayed so no one slipped and fell and added an ER trip to our day. As you can imagine, we spent most the time going back and forth between 2 tile squares. And the wall. And maybe the pantry.
  • I have eaten nearly half a jar of Nutella in the past 3 days. I would eat the whole jar, if only they didn't print the nutritional information on the side.
  • I have also eaten about 3/4 of a bag of mini Heath bars. Lucas and I have recently become huge fans of toffee. Remind me to share my super easy homemade toffee recipe with you. I can vouch for its awesomeness because my friend's daughter used it to enter in a baking contest and won first place!
  • Lincoln started swim lessons this week. He cried the first day, but did great today! I think by the end of class, he will be able to dive down and get those diving rings we bought. Kidding!
  • I switched to soft contacts after 15 years wearing gas permeable lenses (if you aren't familiar, they are hard plastic). I am getting much faster at getting them in and out. It was quite a change from putting in hard lenses! However, my main complaint is why I didn't switch sooner. I was always told I would hate soft lenses because my vision wouldn't be as crisp. Well, to me the difference is negligible and well worth the thought that I won't have a spec of dust fly in my eye just from thinking about going outdoors.
  • I am tired. And rambling.
  • I can't find our battery charger, so our camera currently has no batteries. I've taken some pictures with my phone, but they aren't uploading on the computer yet. I will try to find a picture from my archives to share. I hate posting without adding a picture...
How about a video? This is Lincoln chasing his favorite animal (ducks) at a local park. If you stick it out till the end, you get to hear him say duh-k! Also, it was a really windy day, so there is kind of a lot of background noise...


  1. have you tried Heath blizzards. A-MAZ-ING

  2. I have tried Heath Blizzard. I want to try a Heath Blizzard with extra Heath next time. In fact, maybe a cup full of Heath with a little bit of ice cream.


Questions? Comments? Offers of food? Sign below!