Thursday, July 15, 2010

Omaha Visit, July 2010: part I

Lincoln and I spent a week and a half up in Omaha visiting my family the last week of June and into July. Lucas came and joined us for the last half of the trip. We had amazing weather--low humidity, not too hot...such a nice break from the sauna back home!

It was great to spend time with family and friends, as well as visiting our favorite Omaha spots. Lincoln loved having new people around to play with all day. And let's just say that Grandpa won some major points by finding that choo-choo in the basement...I could hear that thing in my sleep for days...

The family
Lincoln and Grandma
First bite of Nebraska corn

So excited!
Building the track with Grandpa

1 comment:

  1. We sure had a great time and I will never forget Lincoln's excitement over the "ChooChoo!!" And him insisting on eating his own ear of corn like the grownups :] Love you guys.


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