Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i heart faces: i heart desserts!

Following up lasts week dessert recipe edition, i faces is hosting a special dessert photo contest this week! I chose to go with my favorite dessert of the moment: strawberry rhubarb pie. This is the one I baked for the 4th of July last year using store bought strawberries and farmer's market rhubarb, but this year I have strawberries and rhubarb growing in the garden for an ALL homemade pie! I CAN'T WAIT! Also, please do note the butter in the background. I don't often attain the blurred background with my point and shoot camera, so this is an especially proud achievement of mine : )

(recipe here, if interested!)

Check out all the other mouth watering entries this week at i ♥ faces!


  1. strawberry rhubarb grate combo. This pie looks so delicous.

  2. That pie looks soo good! I love strawberry rhubarb! The crust looks just perfect!

  3. Oh. My. Gosh. That looks amazing!!

  4. mmmm! The crust looks so good (my favorite part to eat). The one vent hole at the top looks like a heart - did you notice?

  5. Beautiful!! Well done!



Questions? Comments? Offers of food? Sign below!