Tuesday, March 16, 2010

i heart faces: bundled up!

This week the theme at i faces is bundled up! Not a lot of that going on here in Texas....but, I do have this picture of Lincoln in his toasty snow suit. This was taken the day after Christmas 2008 (he was 1 week old). He received this snow suit from a (well-meaning) relative up in the snowy midwest. Despite the near 80 degree temps outside, we wanted to get a picture of him in the snow suit (because really, it was hilarious). You can see that he was thrilled.

A few months later, we actually did get to use the snow suit (briefly) when we went up to visit my family in Nebraska. We have pictures of that, too, but this just makes me laugh : )

That's one toasty baby!
(don't worry--he was only in the suit for about 3 minutes while we took the picture!!)

Check out the other entries at i ♥ faces!


  1. awwww hilarious...and so so so cute

  2. Oh. My. Goodness.
    I can not take the cuteness. That is seriously sweet : ) I love little babies! SO jealous of your warm weather. It seems like we had snow forever this year in Pennsylvania!

  3. that is so funny. i bet he was so hot lol.

  4. okay kelly that is HILARIOUS. I love it! and i love your humor! and i miss chatting with you. I just wish you lived next door so we could know what was going on all the time :0

    anyway, LOVE this picture!

  5. sweetest little thing! thanks for your thoughtful comment on my blog! i wanted to let you know i updated my website to martawrites.com. am excited to browse your pretty space. happy weekend. xo.


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