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We take a lot of pictures in our living room....

Saturday, October 17, 2009
So, either we don't get out enough, or when we do get out, we don't remember to take pictures. Seriously, almost every picture I have to post here was taken in our living room.  If not there, then most likely the kitchen or front window.  Lucky for us, our subject is original in his posing, because he sure doesn't have much scenery to work with....

How'd you get in there??
Hide and Seek with our play scarf from Kindermusik.
It rained for about a week straight (or so it seemed).  Lincoln loved watching it out the back window.
Good morning!
Lincoln, the friendly ghost.
Ok, not a picture of Lincoln.  Just a reminder that I like cake.  
At his 9 month well baby visit.  He'll handle the measuring, thank you very much.


  1. i loved the last picture (so sweet!). and the cake picture (so yummy!). and the scarf picture (so funny!). Pretty much loved them all.

  2. Cute photos. I must comment that the cake looks like it is being eaten by a fork...one bite at a time! Who would do that? Quit nibbling and cut yourself a big piece and put a scoop of ice cream on top of it. There is always something worth celebrating with cake and ice cream.


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